Brought to you through a collaboration partnership by Japanese Standards Association with Standards Malaysia and Universiti Kuala Lumpur MITEC
Japanese Standards Association
Japanese Standards Association is the Japanese industrial standard development organization. JSA promotes standardization and management system in Japan through various activities.
Department of Standards Malaysia
The Department of Standards Malaysia is the National Standards Body and the National Accreditation Body, providing confidence to various stakeholders, through credible standardisation and accreditation services for global competitiveness.
Universiti Kuala Lumpur
Malaysian Institute of Industrial Technology
Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) is a multi-campus leading technical university with its main campus based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Its branch UniKL-MITEC specialized in Quality Engineering.
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QC Kentei Examination in Malaysia
“Kaizen”, “Quality Management” and “Quality Control” are the key-words for realizing better quality products and services, and capacity in these activities is based on knowledge and experience.
QC KENTEI (Quality Management and Quality Control Examination) is a measure for assessing knowledge of QM, QC and Kaizen, and is intended for people working or preparing to work in any organization.
Japanese Standards Association administers “QC KENTEI and the first examination was conducted in 2005. As of Sept 2021, a total of 1.322 million examinees had attended the exam. For note, currently QC KENTEI is provided in Japanese only.
For the first time QC KENTEI examination will be conducted in Malaysia. The Japanese Standards Association had collaborated with Standards Malaysia and Universiti Kuala Lumpur MITEC to offer QC KENTEI qualifying examination. It will be opened to all qualified Malaysian workers with NO CHARGE
ASEAN Common Qualification Scheme for Quality Control Experts
JAIF PROJECT – Development of ASEAN Common Qualification Scheme
for Quality Control Expert.
The Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) was officially established in March 2006, based on the pledge from the Japanese Prime Minister H.E. Mr. Junichiro Koizumi at the Ninth ASEAN-Japan Summit held in December 2005 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
One of the approved project under JAIF is to develop ASEAN Common Qualification Scheme for Quality Control Expert through the introduction of QC-Kentei certification in ASEAN countries.